Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wow. Nice Work.

Dude. You guys came through. In a little over a week we sold 80 -- that's eight - zero -- Walz Caps to honor the memory of Giuseppe Maino, raise money to remove or improve dangerous bollards on the B&O bike trail, and significantly raise the general style quotient of Ohio cyclists. Nice work.

But the coolest thing about this whole effort is what happened midway through the week when Josh M. (I call him Dump Truck) got this message via Facebook:

dear Josh
I am the brother law of Beppe, and uncle of Rebecca Maino, I heartily thank you for everything you are doing for my dear Beppe.
I learned from Rebecca that you've to remember hat Beppe and with the proceeds of sales, to be able to remove those damn poles on the road bike.
I love the United States for this your great heart and courage.
I ask you a favor.
Rebecca, along with many other Italian cycling friends would buy this hat.
Please let me know how we can buy this memory of Beppe and help the cause you're fighting.
I thank you in advance
Marino Galassi

Now I don't usually well up when reading anything on Facebook unless I start to think about all the time I'm wasting, but this really got to me.It made me remember that Giuseppe was a person and a friend - not a cause or a movement. Thanks for helping to honor the memory of our friend.

In other news, the roads we'll use are being scouted and look good. Cool swag is showing up all the time, and we're right on schedule to light this candle on June 16th. See you then, right?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Let's Do Some Good for Once

Guilty as charged
We didn't plan on this, but sometimes bad shit happens. In this case the bad shit came in the form of a steel pole (the one on the left, in fact) that killed our buddy, Giuseppe Maino. This steel pole, known as a bollard, and many others like it crop up unexpectedly at seemingly random places on the B&O bike path in Richland County, Ohio. 

We here at the Peckerhead Invitational in concert with our friends at Y-Not Cycling decided that we ought to do something. We considered (or at least I did) just cutting the damn things down, but cooler heads prevailed. So here's what we're doing. 

Giuseppe loved cycling caps. So in his honor, we're doing a cap with Walz Caps to help raise some money to fix / remove the dangerous bollards on the B&O bike trail. Legally. Basically, you buy a cap and after we cover costs, every penny goes toward getting those stupid poles improved or removed. The caps are only $20.00, which is less than retail.

We went for a classy design that is wearable for bikes and cocktail parties. You'll love it. 

If you want to pay electronically, you can pay for your cap via PayPal to lawsonallred@hotmail.com. Otherwise, you can pick up an order form at Y-Not Cyling in Lexington, OH or message me and we'll get you hooked up. 

Here's the catch. You have to move your ass on this one. We have to have our order together by May 14th in order to get the caps back for the Peckerhead. 

So go on, get yourself a new cap and do some good for once.