The Stats
Riders who registered: 105 (a record)
Total miles ridden: 3903 (from 82 riders who signed in at the end.)
Hot dogs consumed: approx 140
Beers drank: many
Laughs had: innumerable
Children conceived: uncertain. Do we count activities on-premesis, or within that 24 hour period?
For the first time in recorded PKR history, all founding Peckerheads were present in body, through representation (We love you Ann!), or in spriit (Hi Paul! We love you too!). This event does not exist if I had not met these people and been adopted by them as the youngster they felt most susceptible to corruption.
Back Row: Ann Abele, Mark LaYacona, Bruce Burrey, Kenton Brune, Scott Conery, Mike Sherwin, Todd Vermilya Front Row: Jerry Stites, Yours Truly, Tom Weidinger |
Jack Bargaheiser returns from huge hit and run accident to triumphantly ride 33 miles and once again, for like the hundredth time, give the finger to old age.
Peckerheads old and new came from from parts far afield. Texas, Georgia, Colorado, and Wisconsin were among the states represented. That's a long-ass way to travel for a bike ride. To the extent it is possible, we are humbled.
My family once again came through with flying colors. Amy, Maggie, Ellie, Jess and Roxie -- thank you thank you thank you thank you for helping make the PKR possible.
Once again, our sponsors absolutely killed it. I talked about this pre-giveaway, I know, but please think of them before you purchase this year. All of them give generously and really help make the PKR possible.
Through the miles we rode and cash contributions, a total of $4,505.00 was raised. The monies will be donated to the Friends of the Little Miami Bike Trail in the name of our friend Paul Leiter. Thanks to everyone who rode, gave, or both. You just made a difference for cyclists all over Ohio.
Maggie, our ten year old documentary photographer, took some pics at the PKR this year. Here's a few.
Seriously, the hot dogs are THIS BIG. |
Yes, we think we are awesome. |
Scott, you OWN a pump company. |
Theresa is asking herself what exactly it was about the Unabomber that made her fall in love with him. |
"I really don't care if you are having the baby today. I am at the Peckerhead. I'll swing by the hospital later." |
Free stuff, courtesy of our sponsors. |
Ikes and JB on the comeback ride of the year. |
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